UgCS Entrprise - licenta permanenta

UgCS ENTERPRISE deblochează capacitatea deplină a UgCS, inclusiv toate caracteristicile UgCS PRO și EXPERT cu adăugarea de caracteristici exclusive UgCS ENTERPRISE, cum ar fi implementarea cu mai multe noduri și streaming video live.

Este conceput pentru implementare pe companii la scară mică și mare care angajează piloți de drone în diverse scopuri, cum ar fi supravegherea infrastructurii, securitatea, aplicarea legii, monitorizarea video aeriană, colectarea de date LiDAR și alte scopuri. Este folosit și de piloții profesioniști de drone și echipele de căutare și salvare (SAR) care necesită streaming video.

Descoperiți de ce UgCS ENTERPRISE este alegerea de top pentru companiile mici și mari care folosesc drone.

Caracteristici exclusive UgCS ENTERPRISE

  • Run a centralized UgCS telemetry and video server and have pilots from the field connect over a VPN
  • Live video streaming from UgCS for DJI to UgCS Video Player on Desktop
  • Local video recording embedded metadata (geolocation, timestamp, vehicle ID and other)
  • Video live streaming over RTSP to VMS (such as Luxriot, Milestone)
  • Multiple SDK connections
  • *ADS-B Transponder support

Caracteristici UgCS ENTERPRISE pentru masuratori LiDAR

  • LiDAR Area and LiDAR Corridor tools
  • IMU Calibration route pattern (figure eight)
  • IMU Calibration actions (figure eight, U-turn/J-hook)
  • LiDAR flight planning based on FOV value
  • Adjustable corner radius for smooth cornering
  • Loop turns for additional IMU calibration
  • Adjustable LiDAR area buffer size 

Alte caracterisitici UgCS ENTERPRISE

  • Plan flights with terrain following
  • 3D flight planning interface
  • Offline maps (fly without internet connection)
  • PhotogrammetryVertical (Facade) scan, Corridor mapping, SAR, Linear, Circle, Waypoint, Perimeter, Area Scan flight planning tools
  • Route import from KML/CSV data
  • DEM/DSM elevation data import from .TIF format
  • Preview flights with respect to terrain elevation profile
  • Automatic telemetry recording
  • Geo-referenced image import
  • Create custom no-fly zones (NFZ)
  • Custom map overlays
  • ADS-B Receiver support
  • Compatible with UgCS Mapper to process images and create map overlays. Discover »»»

Supported Drones

UgCS ENTERPRISE- licenta permanenta

  • Buy once, own forever
  • First year of support and updates is included
  • Starting from the second year, an annual Support & Update pack needs to be purchased to get access to support and the latest updates. More info »»»

Detalii tehnice:

  • Installs locally on your Windows computer
  • Android app UgCS for DJI is used to connect to DJI drones

Not sure if UgCS is right for you?

Request UgCS 14-day TRIAL More info »»»

Take a look at our How-to videos and webinars on YouTube More info »»»

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